27 March 2025
Release of a Queensland-specific report presenting key findings from the HPF for First Nations people in Queensland: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework Queensland 2025 report.
7 August 2024
The following measures were updated for the August 2024 release:
- 1.19 Life expectancy at birth
- 2.04 Literacy and numeracy
- 2.09 Socioeconomic indexes (note: measure was named ‘2.09 Index of disadvantage’ in previous releases).
- 2.13 Transport
- 3.02 Immunisation
Refer to the ‘Data sources’ section in each measure for details of data sources updated within each.
Updates to measures have also been incorporated into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework summary report, which summarises information on how First Nations people are faring, drawing from the HPF performance measures.
30 May 2024
Website improvements and minor updates:
- Change to headings used in ‘Findings’ sections of measures – ‘Findings’ heading replaced with ‘Data findings’ and ‘Research and evaluation findings’ to assist user navigation of content. Content in these sections was not otherwise changed.
- Addition of a ‘suggested citation’ at the top of pages, and in specific sections (where applicable), accessible via a quotation mark symbol (”) next to headings.
- Updates to data visualisations for the following 12 measures: 1.01 Birthweight - Data visualisation; 1.06 Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease – Data visualisation; 1.12 HIV, hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections – Data visualisation; 1.20 Infant and child mortality – Data visualisation; 1.21 Perinatal mortality – Data visualisation; 2.11 Contact with the criminal justice system – Data visualisation; 2.12 Child protection – Data visualisation; 2.21 Health behaviours during pregnancy – Data visualisation; 3.01 Antenatal care – Data visualisation; 3.06 Access to hospital procedures – Data visualisation; 3.07 Selected potentially preventable admissions – Data visualisation and 3.09 Self-discharge from hospital – Data visualisation. The updated visualisations are based on data published in the 21 March 2024 release.
21 March 2024
The following measures were updated for the March 2024 release:
- 1.01 Birthweight
- 1.06 Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease
- 1.12 HIV, hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections
- 1.20 Infant and child mortality
- 1.21 Perinatal mortality
- 2.11 Contact with the criminal justice system
- 2.12 Child protection
- 2.21 Health behaviours during pregnancy
- 3.01 Antenatal care
- 3.06 Access to hospital procedures
- 3.07 Selected potentially preventable admissions
- 3.09 Self-discharge from hospital (note: measure was named ‘3.09 Discharge against medical advice’ in previous releases).
Refer to the ‘Data sources’ section in each measure for details of data sources updated within each.
Updates to measures have also been incorporated into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework summary report, which summarises information on how Indigenous Australians are faring, drawing from the HPF performance measures.
7 July 2023
The table below outlines data sources that have been updated for the July 2023 release. Relevant measures are also indicated.
Note that the measures listed may have been completely updated (for example, 2.01 Housing), or have had some data updated but not all (for example, Measure 1.10 Kidney disease). Refer to the ‘Data sources’ section in each measure for details.
Updates to measures have also been incorporated into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework summary report, which summarises information on how Indigenous Australians are faring, drawing from the HPF performance measures.
Data source and measure updates, 7 July 2023
Data source |
Latest time period reported |
Number of tables |
Measures updated (as applicable) |
AIHW Health Expenditure database(a) |
2019–20 |
11 tables (11 updated, 0 new) |
3.21 Expenditure on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health compared to need |
Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry data |
2021 |
10 tables (10 updated, 0 new) |
Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) |
2022 |
6 tables (6 updated, 0 new) |
Census of Population and Housing(b) |
2021 |
60 tables (54 updated, 6 new) |
2.05 Education outcomes for young people 2.06 Educational participation and attainment of adults 3.12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the health workforce |
Child Protection Collection |
2020–21 |
14 tables (12 updated, 2 reinstated) |
Department of Health and Aged Care expenditure data |
2019–20 |
1 table (1 updated, 0 new) |
3.21 Expenditure on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health compared to need |
National Health Workforce Data Set |
2021 |
30 tables (30 updated, 0 new) |
3.12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the health workforce |
National Key Performance Indicators for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care (nKPI)(c) |
June 2022 |
1 table (1 updated, 0 new) |
National VET in Schools Collection/ National VET Provider Collection |
2021 |
28 tables (28 updated, 0 new) |
2.06 Educational participation and attainment of adults 3.20 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples training for health-related disciplines |
Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations |
2021–22 |
1 table (1 updated, 0 new) |
Online Services Report Data OSR Collection (d) |
2021–22 |
12 tables (11 updated, 1 new) |
3.12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the health workforce |
Specialist Homelessness Services Collection |
2021–22 |
7 tables (7 updated, 0 new) |
(a) Data from the AIHW Health expenditure database are also used in Measure 3.15, which was not updated in this release. This will be updated in a future release.
(b) Census data are also used in some measures not updated in this release – for example, Measure 2.09, Index of Disadvantage. These will be updated in future releases.
(c) nKPI data are also used in some measures not updated in this release – for example, Measure 1.01 Birthweight. These will be updated in future releases.
(d) OSR data are also used in some measures not updated in this release – for example, Measure 3.14 Access to services compared to need. These will be updated in future releases.
31 January 2023
The January 2023 website update includes the release of a web version of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework summary report, which summarises information on how Indigenous Australians are faring, drawing from the HPF performance measures.
This release also includes updates to a range of data sources and measures.
Measure updates
The table below outlines data sources that have been updated for the January 2023 release. Relevant measures are also indicated.
Note that updates are being released by data source, rather than by measure. As such, where measures use multiple data sources, only some sections of the indicated measures would have been updated.
Data source and measure updates, 31 January 2023
Data source | Latest time period reported | Number of tables | Measures updated (as applicable) |
ABS National Prisoner Census |
2021 |
8 tables (8 updated, 0 new) |
Australian Cancer Database |
2018 |
7 tables (7 updated, 0 new) |
BreastScreen Australia |
2020 |
3 tables (3 updated, 0 new) |
Deadly Ears Program data |
2021 |
2 tables (2 updated, 0 new) |
National Assessment Program–Literacy and Numeracy |
2021 |
14 tables (14 updated, 0 new) |
National Deaths in Custody Program |
2020–21 |
2 tables (2 updated, 0 new) |
National Elective Surgery Waiting Times Data Collection |
2017–19 |
2 tables (2 updated, 0 new) |
National Hospital Morbidity Database |
2017–19 |
416 tables (415 updated, 1 new) |
1.02 Top reasons for hospitalisation 1.06 Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease 1.18 Social and emotional wellbeing 2.16 Risky alcohol consumption 2.17 Drug and other substance use including inhalants 3.06 Access to hospital procedures 3.07 Selected potentially preventable hospital admissions 3.09 Discharge against medical advice |
National Hospital Morbidity Database and National Public Hospitals Establishment Database |
2017–19 |
4 tables (4 updated, 0 new) |
National Non-admitted Patient Emergency Department Care Database |
2017–19 |
15 tables (11 updated, 4 new) |
3.09 Discharge against medical advice |
National Schools Statistics Collection |
2021 |
4 tables (4 updated, 0 new) |
Youth Justice National Minimum Dataset |
2020–21 |
7 tables (7 updated, 0 new) |
27 May 2022
The May 2022 HPF website update includes release of a new feature article, and updates to a range of data sources and measures.
New feature article on birthweight
The feature article Key factors contributing to low birthweight of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander babies is the first in a series being produced for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework.
Measures updates
The table below outlines data sources that have been updated for the May release. Relevant measures are also indicated.
Note that updates are being released by data source, rather than by measure. As such, where measures use multiple data sources, only some sections of the indicated measures would have been updated.
Data source and measure updates, 27 May 2022
Data source | Latest time period reported | Number of tables | Measures updated (as applicable) |
National Mortality Database (NMD) |
2019 |
75 tables (75 updated, no new) |
1.03 Injury and poisoning |
National Perinatal Data Collection (NPDC) |
2019 |
62 tables (46 updated, 16 new) |
1.01 Birthweight |
National Perinatal Mortality Data Collection (NPMDC)(a) |
2019 |
7 tables (6 updated, 1 new) |
Youth Justice National Minimum Dataset (YJ NMDS) |
2019–20 |
9 tables (7 updated, 2 new) |
(a) In previous releases, the ABS Causes of Death collection was used. The ABS data and the NPMDC have different underlying sources and are not directly comparable. See Data Sources and quality: National Perinatal Mortality Data Collection for details.
Further to the data updates shown above, this release also includes additional data based on the 2018–19 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (2018-19), in both expanded and new NATSIHS tables.
NATSIHS data added to measures based on new analysis, 27 May 2022
Measure | Table |
1.04 Respiratory disease |
D1.04.20: Indigenous persons reporting asthma, by remoteness, age, sex and state/territory, 2018–19 (new table) |
1.07 High blood pressure |
D1.07.2: High blood pressure, measured and reported, by Indigenous status, persons aged 18 and over, 2017–18 and 2018–19 (expanded table) |
1.15 Ear health |
D1.15.4: Indigenous persons reporting ear/hearing problems, by remoteness, by age, sex and state/territory, 2018–19 (expanded table) |
1.16 Eye health |
D1.16.3: Eye/sight problems, by age, sex and Indigenous status, 2017–18 and 2018–19 (expanded table) |
1.18 Social and emotional wellbeing |
D1.18.41: Social and Emotional Wellbeing items, by sex, Indigenous persons aged 18 and over living in non-remote areas, 2018–19 (new table) |
2.10 Community safety |
D2.10.41: Whether experienced physical or threatened physical harm, and support services accessed after physical harm incidents, by sex and remoteness, Indigenous persons aged 15 and over, 2018–19 (new table) |
2.16 Risky alcohol consumption |
D2.16.24: Indigenous persons aged 15 and over reporting the frequency of average daily intake of alcohol, by remoteness, 2018–19 (number) (new table) |
2.19 Dietary behaviour |
D2.19.14: Consumption of sugar sweetened drinks, Indigenous persons aged 2 and over, 2018–19 (new table) |
2.20 Breastfeeding practice |
D2.20.1: Breastfeeding status, by remoteness, Indigenous Australian infants aged 0–3, 2018–19 (expanded table) |
2.22 Overweight and obesity |
D2.22.5: Measured Body Mass Index (BMI), by age and sex, Indigenous persons aged 2 and over, 2018–19 (new table) |
3.14 Access to services compared with need |
D3.14.4: Indigenous persons accessing health care, by remoteness, 2018–19 |
3.15 Access to prescription medicines |
D3.15.6: Use of medications or supplements, by sex and age group, Indigenous persons aged 15 and over, non-remote areas only, 2018–19 (new table) |
12 May 2021
Correction to Table D1.03.1 in Measure 1.03 (Injury and Poisoning) data tables. In table D1.03.1, which shows deaths related to injury and poisoning by external cause, the ‘crude mean number of causes’ data were updated with re-supplied data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
30 April 2021
21 Excel files were updated to include 70 additional data tables based on new analysis of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey 2018–19, National Health Survey 2017–18 and Patient Experience Survey 2018–19 data.
In addition, one Excel table (D2.08.3) has been revised with re-supplied National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey 2018–19 data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
The national and jurisdictional data visualisations for Measure 2.06 Educational participation and attainment of adults: Educational institution attended and Highest level of school have been updated to include some additional data.
Additional NATSIHS tables added to measures based on new analysis
Measure (number of new tables) | Table |
1.04 Respiratory disease (3 tables) |
1.07 High blood pressure (2 tables) |
1.08 Cancer (4 tables) |
1.09 Diabetes (2 tables) |
1.10 Kidney disease (1 table) |
1.14 Disability (4 tables) |
1.15 Ear health (2 tables) |
1.16 Eye health (2 tables) |
1.17 Perceived health status (1 table) |
1.18 Social and emotional wellbeing (2 tables) |
2.01 Housing (2 tables) |
2.06 Educational participation and attainment of adults (9 tables) |
2.07 Employment (1 table) |
2.08 Income (1 table) |
2.10 Community safety (1 table) |
2.15 Tobacco use (3 tables) |
2.16 Risky alcohol consumption (5 tables) |
3.05 Chronic disease management (1 table) |
3.08 Cultural competency (8 tables) |
3.14 Access to services compared with need (10 tables) |
3.17 Regular general practitioner or health service (6 tables) |
2 February 2021
Various revisions made to State and Territory key health indicator reports, as outlined below.
NSW 2020 report
Page number | Revision |
Page 5 |
Under the heading Injuries and poisoning—increase in hospitalisation rate among Indigenous Australians in New South Wales:
Page 6 | First paragraph following the Cancer death rates graphs: "Cancers among women” corrected to “all cancers” and “cancers among men” corrected to “all cancers”. |
Page 9 | Title of Highest educational qualification graphs corrected from “2018–19” to “2017–19”. |
Under the heading No change in the employment rate among Indigenous Australians in New South Wales, last sentence in the second paragraph changed from: “Nationally, there was a small increase in the employment rate for non-Indigenous Australians over this period.” to “Nationally, the employment rate for Indigenous Australians changed little over this period, while for non-Indigenous Australians there was a small increase.” |
Page 10 |
At the end of 1st paragraph after the mid-page heading Decrease in the proportion of Indigenous Australians in New South Wales living in low income households: “40%” corrected to “44%” |
Page 17 |
Title of People taking own leave from hospital graph—inserted “(age-standardised)”. |
Qld 2020 report
Page number | Revision |
Page 6 |
First paragraph following the Cancer death rates graphs: "Cancers among women” corrected to “all cancers” and “cancers among men” corrected to “all cancers”. |
Page 9 |
Title of Highest educational qualification graphs corrected from “2018–19” to “2017–19” |
Under the heading No change in the employment rate among Indigenous Australians in Queensland, last sentence in the second paragraph changed from: “Nationally, there was a small increase in the employment rate for non-Indigenous Australians over this period.” to “Nationally, the employment rate for Indigenous Australians changed little over this period, while for non-Indigenous Australians there was a small increase.” |
Page 17 |
Title of People taking own leave from hospital graph—inserted “(age-standardised)”. |
WA 2020 report
Page number | Revision |
Page 6 |
First paragraph following the Cancer death rates graphs: "Cancers among women” corrected to “all cancers” and “cancers among men” corrected to “all cancers”. |
Page 9 |
Title of Highest educational qualification graphs corrected from “2018–19” to “2017–19” |
Under the heading No change in the employment rate among Indigenous Australians in Western Australia, last sentence in the second paragraph changed from: “Nationally, there was a small increase in the employment rate for non-Indigenous Australians over this period.” to “Nationally, the employment rate for Indigenous Australians changed little over this period, while for non-Indigenous Australians there was a small increase.” |
Page 17 |
Title of People taking own leave from hospital graph—inserted “(age-standardised)”. |
SA 2020 report
Page number | Revision |
Page 7 |
Under the heading Decrease in rate of low birthweight babies born to Indigenous mothers in South Australia: In the second sentence “decreased from 15% to 12%” was corrected to “decreased from 16% to 12%”. |
Page 9 |
Title of Highest educational qualification graphs corrected from “2018–19” to “2017–19” |
Under the heading No change in the employment rate among Indigenous Australians in South Australia, last sentence in the second paragraph changed from: “Nationally, there was a small increase in the employment rate for non-Indigenous Australians over this period.” to “Nationally, the employment rate for Indigenous Australians changed little over this period, while for non-Indigenous Australians there was a small increase.” |
Page 17 |
In the table Most common reasons Indigenous Australians did not see a health care provider when needed, percentage for South Australia who gave the reason “Too busy” (row 2, column 1) corrected from “33%” to “34%”. |
Title of People taking own leave from hospital graph—inserted “(age-standardised)”. |
Tas 2020 report
Page number | Revision |
Page 5 |
Title of Highest educational qualification graphs corrected from “2018–19” to “2017–19” |
Page 6 |
Under the heading No change in the employment rate among Indigenous Australians in Tasmania, last sentence in the second paragraph changed from: “Nationally, there was a small increase in the employment rate for non-Indigenous Australians over this period.” to “Nationally, the employment rate for Indigenous Australians changed little over this period, while for non-Indigenous Australians there was a small increase.” |
Under the heading Over 1 in 3 Indigenous adults in Tasmania live in low income households: Third paragraph under this heading, proportion of Indigenous Australians that could not raise $2,000 in a week corrected from “42%” to “41%”. |
Page 13 |
Title of People taking own leave from hospital graph—inserted “(age-standardised)”. |
ACT 2020 report
Page number | Revision |
Page 4 |
Under the heading Falls are the leading cause of hospitalisations from injury among Indigenous Australians in the Australian Capital Territory, typographical error corrected from “Australan” to “Australian”. |
Under the heading Cardiovascular disease—prevalence among Indigenous Australians in the Australian Capital Territory similar to national rate: In the first sentence, number of Indigenous Australians in the Australian Capital Territory corrected from “1,100” to “1,200”. |
Page 5 |
Under the heading Around 1 in 8 babies born to Indigenous mothers in the Australian Capital Territory had a low birthweight: In the second sentence, percentage of low birthweight babies born to Indigenous mothers living in the Australian Capital Territory (excluding multiple births) corrected from “13%” to “14%”. |
Page 6 |
Title of Highest educational qualification graphs corrected from “2018–19” to “2017–19” |
Under the heading No change in the employment rate among Indigenous Australians in the Australian Capital Territory, last sentence in the second paragraph changed from: “Nationally, there was a small increase in the employment rate for non-Indigenous Australians over this period.” to “Nationally, the employment rate for Indigenous Australians changed little over this period, while for non-Indigenous Australians there was a small increase.” |
Page 14 |
Title of People taking own leave from hospital graph—inserted “(age-standardised)”. |
NT 2020 report
Page number | Revision |
Page 6 |
First paragraph following the Cancer death rates graphs: "Cancers among women” corrected to “all cancers” and “cancers among men” corrected to “all cancers”. |
Mortality rates of children aged 0–4, 1998–2018 graphs: Northern Territory graph replaced, as the data for non-Indigenous Australians was incorrect. |
Page 9 |
Title of Highest educational qualification graphs corrected from “2018–19” to “2017–19” |
Under the heading No change in the employment rate among Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory, last sentence in the second paragraph changed from: “Nationally, there was a small increase in the employment rate for non-Indigenous Australians over this period.” to “Nationally, the employment rate for Indigenous Australians changed little over this period, while for non-Indigenous Australians there was a small increase.” |
Page 17 |
Title of People taking own leave from hospital graph—inserted “(age-standardised)”. |