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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework - Summary report

7. Additional information

This summary report presents a small selection of key findings drawn from the full set of information compiled for reporting against the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework (HPF).

The detailed findings and data are presented across the HPF website, including:

  • comprehensive national, and state and territory reporting
  • supplementary data tables
  • interactive data visualisations.

The Measures section of the website provides a full list of HPF measures with links to the associated webpages. 

Population data and rate calculations

For rate calculations the HPF is currently using Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2006–2031 published by Australian Bureau of Statistics ( The base population is the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander estimated resident population of Australia at 30 June 2016, derived from 2016 Census counts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and adjusted for net undercount as measured by the Post Enumeration Survey (PES). New estimates and projections for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, based on 2021 Census counts, were released on 24 July 2024, and will be used as the denominator for rate calculations in future HPF releases. 

Given the differences in the age structure between the First Nations and non-Indigenous Australian populations, age-standardised rates are often used in this report when comparing the two populations. Age-standardised rates are also used when looking at change over time within the First Nations population. Where age-standardised rates have been used, this is stated. See also Statistical terms and methods.

Data sources and limitations

The report draws on data from various sources, and the reference period reported varies between topic areas.

There are well-documented limitations with the availability and quality of data about the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) people. These include:

  • the quality of data on all key health measures, including mortality and morbidity
  • uncertainty about the size and composition of the First Nations population
  • a lack of data on other health issues, such as access to health services.

In some cases, national data are based on combined information from states/territories with data of adequate quality, as specified.

Technical notes and information about data sources and quality is available from the Resources section of the website, including Data sources and quality, Data development and Statistical terms and methods.

Data updates and changes

The summary report was first released in December 2020. Starting in January 2023, the summary report is being updated concurrent with updates to the HPF measures.

Release version




7 August 2024

Fifth release, incorporating website updates from across 5 measures (see ‘7 August 2024’ section of Updates and Notes page). 


21 March 2024

Fourth release, incorporating website updates from across 12 measures (see ‘21 March 2024’ section of Updates and Notes page). Various edits to other sections (without data updates).  


8 August 2023

Minor updates

  • Housing assistance: Social housing and CRA data updated from 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2022, to align with updates to measure 2.01 Housing.
  • Housing tenure: Correction to Table 5.3: Housing tenure trends for households, 2011–2021. This table has been updated to correct a row label from ‘private renters’ to ‘renters: real estate agent’. In addition, for completeness, two additional categories of renters were added to the table – ‘renters: person not in the same household’ and ‘renters: other landlord type’.


7 July 2023

Third release, incorporating website updates from 12 data sources across 14 measures (see ‘7 July 2023’ section of Updates and Notes page).


31 January 2023

Second release, incorporating website updates from 12 data sources across 27 measures (see ‘31 July 2023’ section of  Updates and Notes page). Summary report was also converted from PDF format to a web (html) version. 


8 December 2020

First release of the summary report in PDF format.