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Tier 2 - Determinants of health

2.19 Dietary behaviour

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Data tables: 2.19 Dietary behaviour
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List of tables in measure 2.19

  • Table D2.19.1: Minimum recommended number of serves of vegetables and fruit per day, as applied in the 2014–15 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey

  • Table D2.19.2: Indigenous persons (12 years and over) reporting less than one serve of fruits, by remoteness, age, sex and jurisdiction, 2018–19

  • Table D2.19.3: Indigenous persons (12 years and over) reporting less than one serve of vegetables, by remoteness, age, sex and jurisdiction, 2018–19

  • Table D2.19.4: Usual daily intake of vegetables and fruit, Indigenous persons aged 12 and over, 2018–19

  • Table D2.19.5: Selected dietary habits, by remoteness, Indigenous status, persons aged 12 years and over, 2017–18 and 2018–19

  • Table D2.19.6: Selected dietary habits, by remoteness, Indigenous persons aged 12 and over, 2018–19

  • Table D2.19.7: Proportion of children aged 1–14, access to functional facilities required to support the first four healthy living practices, by nutritional factors, 2018–19

  • Table D2.19.8: Number of serves of fruit and vegetables consumed daily, Indigenous children aged 2–14, by sex, 2018–19

  • Table D2.19.9: Number of serves of fruit and vegetables consumed daily, Indigenous children aged 2 to 14, by jurisdiction, 2018–19

  • Table D2.19.10: Usual daily intake of vegetables and fruit, Indigenous Australians in non-remote areas aged 12 and over, 2004–05, 2012–13, 2014–15 and 2018–19

  • Table D2.19.11: Daily intake of fruit and vegetables, by age and remoteness by sex, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons, 2018–19

  • Table D2.19.12: Selected socioeconomic characteristics by Indigenous persons (15 years and over) reporting dietary behaviours, 2018–19

  • Table D2.19.13: Selected health outcomes by Indigenous persons (15 years and over) reporting dietary behaviours, 2018–19

  • Table D2.19.14: Consumption of sugar sweetened drinks, Indigenous persons aged 2 and over, 2018–19

Data sources

  • Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey
  • Australian Health Survey
  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey
  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey

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