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Tier 1 - Health status and outcomes

1.10 Kidney disease

Data visualisation

Note: This visualisation was last updated in January 2023. For some topics, more recent data can be found in the data tables (last updated July 2023).





Data sources

This measure was last updated on 7 July 2023. See table below for details of updates by data source.

Updates to measure content by data source


Data source

Latest time period reported

Measure content last updated

Burden of disease

Australian Burden of Disease Study 2018


24 May 2022


National mortality database (NMD)


24 May 2022(a)


National Hospital Morbidity Database (NHMD)


31 Jan 2023(b)

Kidney replacement therapy (dialysis and transplant)

Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA)


7 July 2023

Prevalence (survey)

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (AATSIHS); Australian Health Survey (AHS)(c); and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS)

2012–13 (AATSIHS); 2011–12 (AHS); and 2018–19 (NATSIHS)

31 Jan 2023


(a) On 7/8/2024, in the change over time section, text describing the range of rate of deaths in kidney disease was corrected. The range in rates  was mistakenly cited as varying between 13.7 (in 2021) and 15.6 (in 2017) instead of between 15.6 (2017) and 30.7 (2010) per 100,000.

(b) On 28 February 2023, the hospitalisation rate in the following sentence was corrected from 209 to 286 per 1,000 population: between July 2017 and June 2019, there were 474,745 hospitalisations for Indigenous Australians for care of chronic kidney disease involving dialysis, corresponding to a rate of 286 hospitalisations per 1,000 population (crude rate).

(c) Data for Indigenous Australians sourced from the AATSIHS, with non-Indigenous comparisons based on the AHS.


Archived content

Previous versions of the data tables are available on the Access data page, under ‘Archived data’.

Previous versions of the website text for this measure are available on request in PDF format.

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