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Tier 3 - Health system performance

3.08 Cultural competency

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Data tables: 3.08 Cultural competency
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List of tables in measure 3.08

  • Table D3.08.1: Discrimination toward Indigenous Australians aged 18 and over by sex, remoteness and age group, 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.2: Most recent situation Indigenous people aged 18 and over felt discriminated against in last 12 months, by remoteness, 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.3: Indigenous persons who did not access health services when needed and why, by remoteness, sex and age, 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.4: Reasons for Indigenous Australians not accessing health services when needed, by jurisdiction, 2018–19 (%)

  • Table D3.08.5: Reasons for Indigenous Australians not accessing health services when needed, by jurisdiction, 2018–19 (number)

  • Table D3.08.6: Patient experience in last 12 months, Indigenous Australians aged 15 and over, by sex and age group (non-remote), 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.7: Patient experience, Indigenous persons aged 15 and over by jurisdiction (non-remote), 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.8: Type of regular health care used by patient experience, Indigenous people aged 15 and over in non-remote areas who saw a doctor or specialist in the last 12 months, 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.9: Patient experience in last 12 months, Indigenous persons (15 and over) by selected socioeconomic characteristics (non-remote), 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.10: Patient experience, Indigenous persons aged 15 and over, by selected health outcomes (non remote), 2018–19 (%)

  • Table D3.08.11: Patient experience, Indigenous persons aged 15 and over, by selected health outcomes (non remote), 2018–19 (number)

  • Table D3.08.12: Unfair treatment and whether avoided seeking health care, by types of regular health care used, Indigenous Australians aged 18 and over, 2018–19 (%)

  • Table D3.08.13: Unfair treatment and whether avoided seeking health care, by types of regular health care used, Indigenous Australians aged 18 and over, 2018–19 (number)

  • Table D3.08.14: Number and proportion of Indigenous primary health-care organisations with cultural safety policies or processes in place, 2017–18

  • Table D3.08.15: Main language spoken at home and difficulty with English, by sex, age group and remoteness, Indigenous Australians aged 15 and over, 2014–15

  • Table D3.08.16: Unfair treatment and whether avoided seeking health care in the last 12 months, Indigenous Australians aged 15 and over, by remoteness, 2018–19 (%)

  • Table D3.08.17: Experiences of discrimination by sex and age group, Indigenous Australians aged 15 and over, 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.18: Experiences of discrimination by remoteness, Indigenous Australians aged 15 and over, 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.19: Experiences of discrimination by jurisdiction, Indigenous Australians aged 15 and over, 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.20: Level of trust, by sex, age group and remoteness, Indigenous Australians aged 15 and over, 2014–15

  • Table D3.08.21: Patient experience in the last 12 months in non-remote areas, by sex, and age group, Indigenous Australians aged 15 and over, 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.22: Patient experience in the last 12 months in non-remote areas, by jurisdiction, Indigenous persons aged 15 and over, 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.23: Most recent experience of unfair treatment in the last 12 months because Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, Indigenous people 15 years and over, by remoteness, 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.24: Most recent experience of unfair treatment in last 12 months because Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, Indigenous people 15 and over, by jurisdiction, 2018–19

  • Table D3.08.25: Number and proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health-care services providing selected health-related services, 2017–18

Data sources

  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey
  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey
  • Online Services Report Data Collection

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