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Tier 2 - Determinants of health

2.02 Access to functional housing with utilities

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Data tables: 2.02 Access to functional housing with utilities
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List of tables in measure 2.02

  • Table D2.02.1: Indigenous households living in dwellings with major structural problems, by jurisdiction and type of problem 2018–19

  • Table D2.02.2: Dwellings with major structural problems, Indigenous households by remoteness, 2018–19

  • Table D2.02.3: Lack of access to household facilities by jurisdiction, Indigenous households 2002, 2008, 2012–13, 2014–15 and 2018–19

  • Table D2.02.4: Lack of access to working household facilities by remoteness, Indigenous households 2002, 2008, 2012–13, 2014–15 and 2018–19

  • Table D2.02.5: Dwellings with major structural problems, Indigenous households, by remoteness, 2008, 2012–13, 2014–15 and 2018–19

  • Table D2.02.6: Indigenous households living in dwellings of an unacceptable standard, by jurisdiction, 2008, 2012–13, 2014–15 and 2018–19

  • Table D2.02.7: Access to working household facilities by remoteness, Indigenous households 2002, 2008, 2012–13, 2014–15 and 2018–19

  • Table D2.02.8: Access to household facilities by jurisdiction, Indigenous households 2002, 2008, 2012–13, 2014–15 and 2018–19

Data sources

  • Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey
  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey
  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey

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